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Administrator joining codes

Oxford Learn will close at the end of 2025
After 30 November 2024, it will not be possible to invite new users.
Find out more here.

This option is available to: Organization administrators only.

If you would like new teacher administrators or organization administrators to join your organization, you can give them a joining code to do this.

Inviting administrators

To find the administrator joining codes:

1.Click Manage organization on the left.

2.Click Distribute administrator joining codes under Organization settings.

3.Click the Teacher admin or Organization admin tab for the type of administrator you would like to invite.

4.Copy the code shown in the tab.

5.Pass the code to the administrator, or copy it into an email and send it to them.

For information on how your new administrator can join, see Joining a class or organization.

Refreshing the administrator joining codes

For added security, you can change the administrator joining codes if you want to.

To refresh the codes:

1.Click Manage organization on the left.

2.Click Distribute administrator joining codes under Organization settings.

3.Click the Refresh codes link above your organization name. New joining codes will be created.

If you refresh the joining codes, users you have given the old codes to will no longer be able to join the organization. Users who have already joined will stay in the organization.