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Signing in with details given to you by your school

If you are set up to use Oxford Learn by your teacher or school, they will give you a username and password.

The first time you sign in, we'll ask you add some information to your account.

Country: Choose the country you are currently living in.

Time zone: Choose your local time zone.

Security information

oQuestions: Choose the question which you are most likely to remember the answer to.

oAnswer: Enter an answer to the question you chose above.

Security information:
The answer to this question is used if you need to contact Customer Support to discuss your account.

Agree to the terms and conditions.

Read our Privacy Policy

Answer any additional questions created by the school.

Problems signing in

If you you cannot sign in with the username and password given to you by your school, please speak to your teacher or administrator.
If this is not possible you can change your password by clicking Forgotten your username or password?
Still need help? Please contact Customer Support at with your username and the answer to your security question.