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How to register

Students and teachers only need to register once on for all situations.


Teachers who have an Oxford Teachers' Club account do not need to register at all, and can simply log in with their Teachers' Club details.


To register:


1.Click the Register link on the log in page or go to

2.Complete all the fields

Personal details

oFull name: Enter your full name.  Names can be entered in any language or script.

oEmail address: We recommend entering an email address as this helps if you forget your password and is essential if you wish to access the Teacher tools.

oUsername: This field will only appear if I don't have an email address is ticked.  Usernames must be at least five characters with no spaces.

oPassword: Passwords are case sensitive, must be at least 6 characters, and must include at least one lower case letter and one upper case letter, with no spaces.

oCountry: Select the country you are currently living in.

Security information

oQuestions: Select the question which you are most likely to remember the answer to.  This question will be asked if you contact Customer Support to discuss your account.

oAnswer: Enter an answer to the question you have selected.

3.Tick the Terms and conditions box at the bottom of the page.

4.Click the Register button.



Email addresses are not required to register.  If you do not have an email address tick I do not have an email address and then enter a username.
If you do not enter an email address take extra care when selecting your Security information question as you will need to answer this correctly if you forget your password.