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Distributing users' details

Oxford Learn will close at the end of 2025
It is no longer possible to enter new access codes, register a new organization, create new classes, or add new users.
Find out more here.

This option is available to: Teachers, Teacher administrators and Organization administrators.

There are two ways to distribute sign in details to your users. You can either print the details on slips or send them in an email.

To distribute users; details:

1.Click Manage classes on the left.

2.Click Edit next to your class.

3.Scroll down to the Users section and tick the users you want to print or send details for.

4.Click the Actions drop-down list and choose Distribute sign in details.

5.Choose either:

a)Send emails.

b)Print slips.

c)Send emails and print slips.

6.Click the Distribute button.

7.If you chose either to print the details, click the Print button at the bottom of the page.

Passwords will only be shown if you created the users. Users who registered themselves and then joined the organization should know their password.