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Help for teachers and administrators

Oxford Learn will close at the end of 2025
It is no longer possible to enter new access codes, register a new organization, create new classes, or add new users.
Find out more here.

Please choose an option:

Becoming a teacher or administrator

Teacher and administrator roles, joining an organization and registering a new organization account.

Managing classes

Creating classes, information about how your students join classes, and how to link courses and users to a class..

Managing users

Manually adding users either one by one or in bulk, as well as editing user details and removing users.

Managing your organization

Changing your organization details, managing licences you have purchased, setting up a chain, and editing default messages.

Teaching online

Visit our teacher resources page for getting started guides, webinar recordings and best practice advice for using online courses with your students.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to questions about teacher and administrator registration, setting up a class and using courses with your students.