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Licence management

Oxford Learn will close at the end of 2025
After 30 November 2024, it will not be possible to enter new access codes, register a new organization, create new classes, or invite new users.
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This option is available to: Organization administrators only.

Licence management allows you to see how many licences your organization has available and transfer them to your members. A licence allows one student access to a course.

To access licence management:

1.Click Manage organization on the left.

2.Click the Licence management link.

You will now see a table with the following columns:

Product: The name of the course the licence is for.

Purchased: Licences you have purchased or added.

Available: Licences you have left available to allocate to students.

Allocated: Licences you have allocated to students.

Consumed: Licences used by students. A licence is consumed when a student starts his/her course.

Transferred: Licences transferred to members of your chain, if one has been set up.

Allocated compared to consumed
If the number of allocated licences is higher than consumed this is because some students have not logged in and started their course. Licences that are allocated but not consumed can be reclaimed from within a course.

For more information about transferring licences to and from your chain members see Managing chain members' licences.