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Chain management

This option is available to: Organization administrators only.

Chain management allows you to link your organization to another organization account. Once the accounts are linked, the chain manager can transfer licences to their members and access the members' organizations to view their classes and courses.

Chain management can be used by chains of schools that are managed by a head office or want to purchase licences centrally, or by universities with several campuses and a central administrative body.

For more information, choose an option below:

Setting up your members

Accessing your members' organizations

Licence management

Replying to a request to join a chain

Setting up your members

Each member will need to register their own organization on Oxford Learn. To do this they need to register on Oxford Learn and set up an organization. Once this is done there are two ways to link the accounts:

Ask your members to request to join your chain

Invite your members to join your chain

Accessing your members' organizations

To access your members' organizations:

1.Sign in at

2.Select the organization from the drop-down list in the top right of the page.

The page will now refresh and you will be able to use the administrator tools within your member's account.

Your messages will not change as these are specific to you, rather than the organization you are in.

Managing chain members' licences

See: Managing chain members' licences.

Replying to a request to join a chain

If another organization has requested that you join their chain you can respond by following these steps:

1.Click Manage organization on the left.

2.Click the Update chain management details link under Chain management.

3.Click the Accept link next to the invitation.

Members and Membership:
If the request appears in the Membership section then you are joining someone else's chain. They will be able to access your organization, see your user data and add/remove licences to/from your account.
If the request appears in the Members section then someone wishes to join your chain. You will be able to access their organization, see all their user data and add/remove licences to/from their account.