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Teacher and administrator roles

Oxford Learn will close at the end of 2025
After 30 November 2024, it will not be possible to register a new organization, create new classes, or invite new users.
Find out more here.

There are three teacher and administrator roles on Oxford Learn:


Teacher administrator

Organization administrator


A teacher can:

Add courses to classes.

Add registered users to classes.

Manage students' online learning on the Learning Management System.

Teachers will only see the classes they are assigned to by their administrator. Teachers cannot create new classes, add/edit users in their organization or change the organization details.

For more information on becoming a teacher, see Joining a class or organization.

Teacher administrator

A Teacher administrator can:

Create classes and add courses.

Add new and registered users to classes.

Edit users who are registered in the organization.

Manage students' online learning on the Learning Management System for classes they are assigned to as the Teacher.

Teacher administrators will see classes they have created or have been assigned to by their Organization administrator.

For more information on becoming a Teacher administrator, see Joining a class or organization.

Organization administrator

An Organization administrator can access all of the administrator functionality for their organization. They can:

Create classes and add courses.

Add and invite new users in any role.

Manage the organization settings/

Manage students' online learning on the Learning Management System for classes they are assigned to as the Teacher.

The person who registers an organization account is automatically set as the Organization administrator. For more information, see Registering a new organization.

Other Organization administrators can also join an existing organization.

For more information on becoming an Organization administrator for an existing account, see Joining a class or organization.