This option is available to: Organization administrators only.
To help manage your students you can create additional fields to store information about them. For example, you can create a "course", "campus" or "facility" field.
Students will be asked to complete the additional fields when they first sign in.
To set up additional fields:
1.Click Manage organization on the left.
2.Click the Set up additional fields to help you manage your users link under Define additional fields.
3.Click the Add field button.
4.Enter a Field name.
5.Select an answer type
Explanation of answer types.
Date: Free format field for dates in any format.
Drop-down list: Define the options for a drop-down list.
Free text: A field where any text can be entered.
Number: Specify a numeric range.
6.If number was selected, enter a minimum and maximum value.
7.Tick Mandatory if students must enter an answer to register into your organization.
8.Click Create.
Additional steps for creating a drop-down list
If you select to create a drop-down list you will now be asked to create the values that will appear in the list. For each value, enter the value in the box and then click Add.
When finished, click the Finish button.
All users will now see the fields when they first sign in. If you have already created users you can complete the fields by editing them in Manage users.
To change the details of an additional field click the Edit link next to the field in Set up additional fields to help you manage your members. You can then change the original settings.
You cannot delete a field, however if a field is not needed anymore untick Visible and it will not appear to students when they sign in.