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Managing organization

Oxford Learn will close at the end of 2025
It is no longer possible to register a new organization, create new classes, or add new users.
Find out more here.

The options in this section are available to: Organization administrators only.

Everything in this section is optional. You can create classes, use courses and enrol students without going into any of these pages. However, if you wish to have greater control over the system or set up complex organization structures you will find the options here.

Organization settings

Change your organization name, select a default language, and change the account owner.

Administrator joining codes

Invite new teacher administrators or organization administrators to register into your organization.

Licence management

View the number of licences you have and, if you have created a chain, transfer, licences to your members.

Chain management

Link your organization to others. Once set up you can access your members' accounts and transfer licences to them.

Define additional fields

Create additional fields of information that your users have to enter when joining your organization.

Message templates

Change the default messages that are sent to your users by the system.