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Getting students and teachers into your class

Oxford Learn will close at the end of 2025
After 30 November 2024, it will not be possible to create new classes or invite new users.
Find out more here.

There are several ways to add users to your class. The options are:

Give users a joining code.

Email or print joining information.

Search users in your organization and add them to a class.

Manually create users one by one.

Import users from a spreadsheet.

How you do this is up to you, however we recommend that young learners are created by their teacher or an administrator if possible.

Give users a joining code

This option is available to: Teachers, Teacher administrators and Organization administrators.

To find the joining codes for your class:

1.Click Manage classes on the left.

2.Click Edit next to your class.

You'll see the joining codes in tabs under the class name. There are d codes for students and teachers.
Pass the relevant code to the users and ask them to register or sign in at to join.

Email or print joining information

This option is available to: Teacher administrators and Organization administrators only.

This option allows you to print or email the information users will need to join your class. To do this:

1.Click Manage classes on the left.

2.Click Edit next to the class.

3.Click the Invite new users button under Users.

4.Choose whether to invite students or teachers, then click the Invite button.

5.You'll see a preview of the invitation. Click either Email or Print.

For email:

1.Copy and paste or type the email addresses you want to send the invite to, one per line.

2.Click Send email.

For print:

1.Enter the number of users you want to invite and click Confirm.

2.Click Print.

Search users in your organization and add them to a class

Use this option if the users already exist in your organization.
Adding students and teachers to a class

This option is available to: Teachers, Teacher administrators and Organization administrators.

To search and add users:

1.Click Manage classes on the left.

2.Click Edit next to your class.

3.Click the Add users button under Users.

4.Tick the users to add to the class, then click Add.

If you have a large number of users in your organization, use the search box at the top of the page to find the users one by one.

Adding a teacher administrator to a class

This option is available to: Organization administrators only.

For details of the teacher administrator role, see Teacher and administrator roles.

If a teacher administrator exists in your organization, you can add them to a class by following these steps:

1.While viewing the class details, click Add teacher admin beside the Teacher administrators heading.

2.Choose the user to add to the class.

If you do not see any teacher administrators in the list, you can either add a new user with this role, or change the role of an existing teacher so that they are a teacher administrator instead.

3.Click Add.